Physics of Waves – modelling and imaging with ultrasound
This short course is sponsored by IEEE UFFC-S as an outreach activity by the IEEE UFFC-S outreach ambassador Dr. Koen W.A. van Dongen
Please note that this course will be held one day before the conference: May 7, 2024 at the Faculty of Science, Universidad de la República (Udelar).
Shuttle transportation will be provided:
Departure time: 8:30 AM
Location: "Explanada de la Intendencia de Montevideo"
To optimize your ultrasound imaging device, to understand your data, or to improve your imaging algorithm; it is always important to have a good understanding of how acoustic wave field propagates in the medium, and why and how it scatters of the object of interest. To get this understanding, it is essential to have knowledge about the physical mechanisms and mathematical formulations that describe the wave propagation in the heterogenous medium. This course is about the fundamentals of acoustic wave theory and imaging and inversion.
During this course, the acoustic field equations (equation of motion and equation of deformation) will be derived, and it will be shown how the acoustic wavefield is described via a pressure and a velocity wave field. Next, linearized versions of the field equations are used to derive the wave equation for linear acoustics. A similar approach is used to derive the Westerveld equation used for non-linear acoustics. Next, different solution methods for modelling acoustic wave fields in heterogeneous media will be explained, as well as the concepts behind Kirchhoff integrals, Rayleigh I and II integrals, and evanescent waves. Finally, the ideas behind imaging and (non-linear) inversion for quantitative imaging are explained. During the course, oral lectures will be interchanged with simple numerical exercises and a small practical assignment.