Student Travel Grants

LAUS 2024 is pleased to offer student travel grants

Limited funds are available to support in-person student attendees at the 2024 symposium. Awards will be given on a competitive basis. Students that receive this support must register normally (as students) and retain all travel receipts. Awards will be processed after the conference, and will require submission of tax, bank, and travel receipt information. All payments will be in US dollars, by electronic bank transfer.

Award recipients must meet the following criteria:

  1. During the initial submission, students should indicate their interest in travel support when submitting their abstract. There will be a checkbox available for this.
  2. The student must be the presenting author of the paper.
  3. The student must attend the Conference in person.

Please note that you must be a member of IEEE UFFC at the time of registration. If you are a student and you are not a UFFC member yet, please go here and join as a student member.